"Turn To Dust"
"All I Want Is Everything"*
"Work It Out"*
"Breathe A Sigh"*
"Deliver Me"
"Gift Of Flesh"
"Blood Runs Cold"
"Where Does Love Go When It Dies"
"Pearl Of Euphoria"

Compared to everything else to ever come out, this is incredible, but when compared to the other Def Leppard albums, not so great. "Breathe A Sigh" is the only bad Def Leppard song ever, and it might be okay if they had some music in it instead of making it an R&B song. "Slang" is a catchy, George Michael-esque pop/rock song. "Truth?" is a funky noise rock pop type thing with basically every type of guitar playing that Def Leppard has ever done in it. "Turn To Dust" is "Slang" slow and it doesn't work well. "All I Want Is Everything" is a power ballad and if you look in my sounds section, you will find a live acoustic version which blows the pants off of the album version, but it's still the best one on the album. "Work It Out" sounds more like the Leppard we're used to hearing, it's good. "Deliver Me" is the song which defines the album's sound really. Meanwhile, "Gift Of Flesh" does the same thing. Then come two great power ballads. Ending the album is the another one like "Deliver Me" and "Gift Of Flesh". Overall, it gets three out of five stars.
-Damien Sweet

Top Songs
1. "All I Want Is Everything"
2. "Work It Out"
3. "Slang"

Quick Facts
Went gold in America. I have seen conflicting worldwide figures everywhere from 500,000 to 4,000,000 copies, so I don't know what it is. "Slang" and "Work It Out" made the UK's top 20 at 14 and 17 respectively. The rest of the singles charted in the UK, but the only US single was "Breathe A Sigh" and it never charted in the US.